Commercial Resources
Vidco Online. $12.99 a month, price reductions via group licenses and yearly subscription.Vidcode began with shared passions. The first was a love for what we do. Tech is creative and exciting. Yet, as women professionals in computer science, we felt a...
Tynker Online, Android, IOS. Single Lesson Plans $50, packs from $399, whole school $2000.In a world where technology touches every aspect of our lives, it is crucial that our children become active creators of technology, not just passive users. What...
SpaceChem Software, Ages 10+ $9.99Design-based puzzle game. Take on the role of a Reactor Engineer working for SpaceChem, the leading chemical synthesizer for frontier colonies. Construct elaborate factories to transform raw materials into valuable...
RoboMind Online and Software. Ages 8+ $7 individual, $140 teacherRoboMind is software specifically developed to support technology education. By programming a robot, students learn about logic, computer science and robotics. The beauty of RoboMind is the...
Play Code Monkey
Play Code Monkey online Ages 9+ $19 individual, $90 for 30 licenses, $999 180+ licensesCodeMonkey is an engaging online game that teaches real computer programming to children as young as 9. We release new features and challenges on a monthly basis. Stay...
LightBot and LightBot Jr.
LightBot and LightBot Jr. Software $9.99, Android, IOS $2.99In Lightbot, students must program a robot with commands to solve puzzles. Students may play the game in the Browser (requires Flash Player), or on Android or iOS devices.“How does Lightbot teach...
Globaloria Online Grades 4-12. Call for quote, but approx. $75 per student, per year.Provides variety of courses including: game design; coding; computing; and other STEM centered areas, for grade levels 4-12. The curriculum consists of customized...
Discovery Learning
Discovery Learning Online Age 5-11 Apox. $300 for 100 or less studentsCompany based in England that created this curriculum to help primary (aka elementary school) students meet England’s new national Computer Programming curriculum requirements. Over...
Codesters Online and Software. Ages 6-14 Call for Pricing.Codesters is about creating, sharing, and remixing projects. Students can explore games and apps that other kids have created and shared. Then, they can look inside and see the code to understand...
Code School
Code School Online Age 11+ $29 a month for individual account discount at 10+Code School is an online learning destination for existing and aspiring developers that teaches through entertaining content. Each course is built around a creative theme and...
Code HS
Code HS Online Age: 12+ $150 for single license $2,000 for school license The goal of CodeHS is to spread the knowledge of computer science by offering well-crafted instructional materials supported continuously by the quality, personal attention of our...
Code for Life
Code for Life (Only available for schools in England)In September 2014, the UK became the first country in the world to put Computing at the heart of the school curriculum. Ocado Technology’s Code for Life initiative has been developed to help teachers...
BitsBox Online. Ages 7-11. $20-$40 a month.When you create a coding account, you get a virtual tablet for your son or daughter (or niece or nephew or student or neighbor). Kids learn by copying code into a little text editor next to their tablet, which...
Baltie Software Ages 6+ $12 per year for most basicSGP Balties are very attractive professional programming teaching tools for all beginners and middle advanced programmers. The beginners can use an interactive mode and the graphic icons instead of text...
Stencyl Software, Ages 6+ Free to web publish, $99 publish web and Desktop, and $199 publish to web, Desktop, Android, IOS.Stencyl is a powerful game creation toolset, centered around an intuitive block-snapping interface and a friendly, helpful...
Learn to Code the Hard Way
Learn to Code the Hard Way Online Ages 10+Books on learning Python, Ruby, C, SQL, Regex. While these books are available for free online, and some have video tutorials, you can and should pay the $29.95 per book if you find them valuable and can afford...
Karel Programming Course
Karel Programming Course Online and Software Ages 9+ Schools get 10 free accounts, and then $5 a student a month. Clubs can get 10 licenses for $50 a month and individual licenses are $30 per course. Help a robot find his missing friend by solving fun...
Gamestar Mechanic
Gamestar Mechanic: Online, software. Ages 7-14. Free basic version, $19.95 full versionRegistering an account at Gamestar Mechanic is free and includes access to your first game design Quest, the ability to make and publish your own games, and access to...