Python Day 1

Python Day 1

What is Python?Python is a popular programming language was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is used for:web development (server-side),software development,mathematics,system scripting. What we can do with Python?On a server to create web...
Python Day 2

Python Day 2

Python is completely object-oriented, and not “statically typed”. You do not need to declare variables before using them or declare their type. Every variable in Python is an object. This tutorial will go over a few basic types of variables. Numbers Python...
Python Day 3

Python Day 3

ListsLists are very similar to arrays. They can contain any type of variable, and they can contain as many variables as you wish. Lists can also be iterated over in a very simple manner. Here is an example of how to build a list. mylist = [] mylist.append(1)...
Python Day 4

Python Day 4

Basic Operators This section explains how to use basic operators in Python. Arithmetic Operators Just as any other programming languages, the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operators can be used with numbers. number = 1 + 2 * 3 / 4.0 print(number)...
Python Day 5

Python Day 5

String FormattingPython uses C-style string formatting to create new, formatted strings. The “%” operator is used to format a set of variables enclosed in a “tuple” (a fixed-size list), together with a format string, which contains normal text...
Python Day 6

Python Day 6

Basic String Operations Strings are bits of text. They can be defined as anything between quotes:   astring = "Hello world!" astring2 = 'Hello world!'   As you can see, the first thing you learned was printing a simple sentence. This...