Android is a new and innovative OS, which is packed with lots of wonderful apps to use. For educational purposes, the android has lots of selections of apps.
The first application that we want to introduce is the RealCalc Scientific Calculator. This amazing app lets users calculate lots of equations and scientific calculations in modes such as bin / octal / dec and more. This app can also be used as a unit converter, allowing users to convert different units with one app. Looking for trigonometric functions? This app also supports even in rads and grads. Overall, this app is a must have for students or those who need a professional scientific calculator for everyday use.
Have you ever heard of Wolfram Alpha, a Wikipedia version for science? This app can be downloaded from Google Play Market, it lets users find the answer for many questions from physics, math's and even music. All the answers are trustworthy and will only display useful information. This is a recommendation for any teachers or students.
Looking for a Mind map app for the android system? The Thinking Space app is the rightful choice that lets users specify an effective thinking solution with a mind map. All the traditional features are kept with this app, such as note taking.
As we have gone through Wolfram Alpha, a Wikipedia version for science, we would like to recommend the WikiDroid, an app that lets users download articles from Wikipedia directly to android devices. This app is needed for those who have to look up Wikipedia occasionally or for those who want a professional app to look up information in Wikipedia.
If you need an English teacher to guide you with grammar, you may want Grammar, an android app that has useful information about English grammar such as general rules, words, misspelling, etc …
If you are a chemistry specialist or a student, who is learning chemistry, or you just simply love chemistry, give Chemistry, an android app a try. This app will point out lots of information about elements, compounds with simple user interface that allows you to learn how to use this program in such a short time.
Besides these wonderful programs for education, you may also want to download eBook reader apps, such as Kindle. There are also lots of apps about subjects such as math's, literature, history and more. To download these apps, just log in with your Google Account on Google Play Market and download. Some apps may require you to pay a small fee, but they are worth the money.
The educational apps for androids keep increasing every day. Be sure to check the Education Category in order to know more about what apps have just been released and what are currently popular on demand. Before purchasing or downloading any app, be sure to check the user reviews as well as comments to know which app is the best to download. There are also some websites about android apps, which will have lots of useful reviews about apps to buy and apps to download for Android devices.