The World Think Tank is solicitating ideas on preventing evaporation and needs you intellectual input. We need High Tech Solution to a Low Tech Problem.

We all know of the serious drought issues in much of our country. We are also half way through the harshest hot weather of summer for many states. New Mexico has problems that are very severe and are in need of greater technology to keep the water supply intact. The Governor’s Office has asked for new ideas and concepts.

There is some new technology in Solar Energy which is of value. It is called Copper Indium Diselenide? You say what, come again? Super duper thin solar cells can be made with a thin sheet about 2-3 microns coated with Copper Indium Diselenide. What is that? Exactly what we thought but it is a thin material similar to glass. It reaches conversion percentages as much as 18%. Now we have terrible evaporation problems with water in NM out of rivers and Lales. We can cover those with a thin sheet and on one side hook it to a sheet of this on top. You prevent evaporation and make electricity.

Now this may sound like a really hard thing to do, but if you study Berry Farming, such as Strawberries you see a giant sheet rolling mechanism which can dispense the sheets of plastic with the Solar coated Copper Indium Diselenide. Strawberry Farming is a multi million dollar business and the R and D that they have done is of benefit to all mankind.

Since 95 Strawberries have had some good years thanks to these innovations. It is good to know that because of market hardships strawberry farmers have gotten even more progressive and their hardships can now be our gains. Now then here are some of the plastic sheeting used. We propose we use non-clear plastic sheeting so that algae will not grow underneath the sheets and as long as the water flows it should be fine. There are many a US Company making this plastic sheeting. And by using a non-clear sheeting across the river flows in New Mexico where water is a huge issue we can kept the water from getting too hot and killing fish when it gets too low meaning we can use the water down to a lower level and protect the water from evaporating.

These plastic sheetings have been used in art with one artist using it for five miles and other large projects have used the plastic sheeting. Farmers of strawberries use these for many reasons, birds will not eat seeds, less pesticides can be used when crops are smaller and growing, which is an issue in any soft skin fruit, keeps moisture in the ground and uses the increase in UV light, you can read about it here;

There are many ways to use such sheeting to protect our water levels during the summer months and drought years. We need your help to solve these problems. The World Think Tank needs you.