Time and again we hear and feel that kids are influenced to a great deal in the wrong way with the influx of technology into their lives from an early stage on; well, here are some technologically advanced apps that would make you think the contrary.
Color and Draw for Kids HD
This app is going to bring out the Picasso in your kid. It lets you sketch and draw on black and white backgrounds. 50 specially selected drawings of interesting subjects; landscapes, animals, professions etc are available for painting. Some of these drawings are incomplete; these are to be completed by voice guided instructions and in addition, portions can be added. One’s own creative drawings or paintings can be shared by email or can be saved in the app or the device’s photo album. A child-lock feature safeguards against unwanted in-app buys. Real finger painting is an added treat in the app.
Kids Learn to Read
This fun app helps pre-school-aged toddlers learn small and simple words by listening to sounds incorporated in a game, which lets children learn without realizing that they are doing so. On every attempt your kid makes at the game, which is to spell, choose words etc, he/she will be appreciated by the game character on screen, which would give the kids an attachment to the game and he/she would be engaged fruitfully and happily.
Toddler Tapping Zoo
Kids are always fascinated by animals and this app is a short trip through the zoo. Images of more than 60 animals with their names in voice instruction and sounds that the specific animal makes are accessible. The images are selected from the best and most gorgeous professional photographs for all animals. The kids can relate sounds with specific animals and most of all have a fascinating fun time. The language medium is English. Toddlers enjoy repetition, they can view and listen to the sounds of their favorite animals any number of times and this is proven very entertaining to the little kids.
Mobile Observatory Astronomy
Enjoy staring at the night sky and expect to see celestial magic? This app lets you know all about what all celestial happenings are going to be visible for you from your location and also when it is going to take place. It has valid information on stars, planets, deep sky objects, meteor showers, comets, and asteroids, lunar and solar eclipses in addition to a broad ephemeris and a complete view of the solar system. A zoom-able sky map is available too. Brightstar, Messier and Caldwell catalogs are readily accessible. A feature called ‘Tonight’s Best’ allows one to know if he/she can view any celestial phenomenon that night. You can set alarms and reminders for any celestial event which is to take place. The amount of information about real-time celestial activity is enormous in this app.
Kids Number and Math
This app teaches math in the most fun way. Kids will learn first to identify each number and then on how to add, subtract and compare numbers, all by playing and being part of a fun game. The numbers are voiced in English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish and Russian. The maximum and minimum number can be set so as not to confuse your child in the different levels of his/her learning. The app is generally recommended for pre-school kids.